Weekly “virtual” worship on our YouTube channel – “Beacon UUC.”
Subscribe to our channel and tune in at the usual time (Sundays at 10 AM) or on your own schedule.
What does it mean to “belong” to a tribe, a community, a family, a congregation? One of the most rewarding aspects of belonging is the sense of having found a home and in turn, of being found, supported, and accepted as we are. In this sermon, we’ll explore the illusion of “utopia” and the various ways we become visible and known to one another when we allow ourselves to be found, even during this time of being “together-apart.” Rev. Robin preaching with music from Gabe Hernandez and Rebecca Prizznick.
- Follow along with the Order of Service available in PDF or Word.
- Join the Virtual Social hour on Sundays at 11 AM here: https://zoom.us/j/675489291
- Adult and Children Religious Exploration activities are available here: https://www.beaconuu.com/category/religious-exploration/
- If you enjoyed the service, please consider donating here