“Go Set a Watchman: On Radical Honesty”

Go Set a Watchman: On Radical Honesty” 

The publication of Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird prequel, Go Set A Watchman, unleashed a torrent of befuddlement about the recasting of Atticus Finch from paragon of white virtue to an emblem of deep south racism. Mary Louise goes home as an adult and sees a different shade of Atticus than she had seen through the adoring young eyes of Scout. In this sermon the Sunday before Election Day, we’ll explore “radical honesty” and the disturbing, empowering, and liberating ways our lives, our world, and the people in it, become more real when we are willing to “declare what we see” through unblinking adult eyes. In this age of truthiness and alternative facts, how do we reconcile the beautiful with the ugly, the vile with the just, the fondness we have for friends and family when it is sullied by expressions of prejudice? And what will we do with the truths we see?

Rev. Robin Preaching, with Worship Associate Char Tarashanti. Music from Roomie Wood and Rebecca Prizznick


It’s a Worship Watch Party!

This Sunday November 1st, we’re trying something new – A Worship Watch Party on Zoom! Let’s watch the service together at 10 AM on Sundays. Log into Zoom and I’ll share the screen with our You tube service. We’ll pause for some “live Joys and sorrows” and the chat will be open for comments. The Zoom link will be the same as the social hour and will be posted in the e-news and google group. Grab your coffee. Bring your hope stone! I believe a watch party will create a tangible energy and connection and can carry us fully into the Post Service Gatherings. Hope you’ll give it a try.

Tune in at our YouTube Channel: “Beacon UUC”

  • Follow along:  Lyrics and Unison readings will be visible in the service recording. 
  • Connect: Join the  Post-Service Gathering on Sundays at 11 AM.  Check-in, Live Joys and Sorrows sharing,  and a centering discussion question related to the service.  Weekly details and Zoom links to the meeting are within our weekly E-Newsletter and the Beacon GoogleGroup.
  • Learn: Complete On-Demand, At-Home Adult and Children Religious Exploration program materials are available here:
    •  Adult RE 
    •  Children’s RE  2020  Fall Program: “CartUUns”  For Middle School Youth: “Fifth Dimension” see RE links for details. 
  • Donate: If you enjoyed the service, please consider donating here