“Discovering Gratitude Through Poetry”

“Discovering Gratitude Through Poetry” 

Worship Associates Nancy Paxton and Mark James will present a service featuring poems that invite meditation and inspire gratitude. We will read several of our favorite poems that recognize how these troubled times may
challenge us to find new perspectives on gratitude. We will offer poems that show how paying attention can open us to feelings of gratitude, how our understanding of gratitude changes over time, and how we can recognize new sources of
gratitude and the solace that it brings as we approach the winter solstice.

Worship Associates Nancy Paxton and Mark James preaching. Rev. Robin Hosting, with Piano Selections by Rebecca Prizznick.

Tune in at our YouTube Channel: “Beacon UUC”

  • Follow along:  Lyrics and Unison readings will be visible in the service recording. 
  • Connect: Join the  Post-Service Gathering on Sundays at 11 AM.  Check-in, Live Joys and Sorrows sharing,  and a centering discussion question related to the service.  Weekly details and Zoom links to the meeting are within our weekly E-Newsletter and the Beacon GoogleGroup.
  • Learn: Complete On-Demand, At-Home Adult and Children Religious Exploration program materials are available here:
    •  Adult RE 
    •  Children’s RE  2020  Fall Program: “CartUUns”  For Middle School Youth: “Fifth Dimension” see RE links for details. 
  • Donate: If you enjoyed the service, please consider donating here