“Choose Something Like a Star: A Sermon Towards Integrity”

Choose Something Like a Star: A Sermon Towards Integrity,” 

In this sermon, during the interval between Christmas and Epiphany, we’ll explore what it means to choose the way of integrity, hope and personal accountability in an increasingly compromised world; or as Robert Frost put it in his poem, “So when at times the mob is swayed /To carry praise or blame too far/We may choose something like a star/To stay our minds on and be staid.”

Rev. Robin Landerman Zucker preaching,  with music from Roomie Wood and Rebecca Prizznick.


Tune in at our YouTube Channel: “Beacon UUC”

  • Follow along:  Lyrics and Unison readings will be visible in the service recording. 
  • Connect: Join the  Post-Service Gathering on Sundays at 11 AM.  Check-in, Live Joys and Sorrows sharing,  and a centering discussion question related to the service.  Weekly details and Zoom links to the meeting are within our weekly E-Newsletter and the Beacon GoogleGroup.
  • Learn: Complete On-Demand, At-Home Adult and Children Religious Exploration program materials are available here:
    •  Adult RE 
    •  Children’s RE  2020  Fall Program: “CartUUns”  For Middle School Youth: “Fifth Dimension” see RE links for details. 
  • Donate: If you enjoyed the service, please consider donating here