Category: REI Building Project

Pouring Footings – Pics

Watch a video: The rest of the concrete was poured today!  It was very surprising how quickly this part of the job was done once it got going.

Lots of Thin Concrete

Video of the thin concrete pour: It took 2 truckloads of concrete to fill the deep trenches to stabilize our new footings.

Very Deep Trenches

Because of the clay soil, the contractor had to dig 6-feet deep trenches and pump in “thin” concrete that will seep down into the soil and stabilize the foundation for the new addition.

Digging for New Footings

This is excavation week at Beacon. It turns out Beacon’s backyard is composed of layers of sand and clay, that will require deeper excavation and a treatment of the holes with a “slurry” of concrete to stabilize the new foundations.