As many of you may know, we were startled by the price we received from our contractor at the end of January. We have since met with the contractor and architect, and renegotiated the price back down to something Beacon could afford. There were some construction items that were removed, such as the alley parking, the handicap ramp in the back, and the cantilevered porch overhang. These were not code required, but some are features that we would still l like to complete in the future, possibly by our members.
We have also been working with the city to meet their requirements to get our permit. They have verbally agreed to allow us to establish the building capacity based on room usage. This will keep us from having to make expensive upgrades that would take us out of our budget. We will be re-submitting the application with the changes very soon.
These challenges have slowed us down a little, but we are still moving forward!