This coming Sunday, February 3, we will briefly step away from the curriculum of Miracles and enjoy our First Sunday Fun during RE class time. Linda Ochi will offer a waffle breakfast and Sue will tell us about the flagstaff family food center! More details here!
Imbolc, February 2
This weekend marks the coming of the cross quarter day Imbolc. Some folks refer to this day as Candlemas, St. Brigid’s Day, or perhaps Groundhog Day! It marks the half way point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. Brigid was a “Celtic goddess of inspiration, poetry, springs, and blacksmithery. Primary goddess of Wales and Ireland. Imbolc is a festival in her honor celebrated by modern-day pagans and Wiccans, parallel in modern Ireland with Saint Brigid’s Day (after a Catholic saint).”
How do UUs celebrate Imbolc?
Martha Kirby Capo, from the UUA wrote this Imbolc celebration.
This is the time of year that we like to be cozy by a warm fire and eat comforting, nourishing foods. My family often invites friends over for an Imbolc celebration. We make Brigid’s soup, homemade bread, and share our favorite poems. It is a lovely, intimate time to connect with loved ones.
Some more recipes and ideas are here and here
Happy Imbolc! I hope you find warmth and friendship on a cold winter’s night.
Let me know if I can be supportive to you in any other way! I am here for you.
All my best with blessings,