The first Sunday of each month, we will plan fun activities right after Sunday service. You may be asking yourself some of these questions…
Who can come?
- Any children who are in 3rd grade to senior high school youth are welcome to come by themselves.
- Children 2nd grade and younger are welcome to come with a parent or other adult chaperone.
- Others who would like to come play or help chaperone are welcome as well.
When is the next gathering?
- April 7, 11:00 AM
What do I need to bring?
just yourself and a “spring” in your step!
What are we going to do?
- color eggs for Easter
- make spring/Easter crafts
Any questions contact Linda Ochi, or (619) 607-1623 or Amy.
Contact on day of event is Linda at her cell number. Hope to see everyone there!
You will not need a permission slip for this month’s event, however, if you hope to attend future Fun Day events, do please complete the permission slip below.
Please be sure to print and fill out the permission slip attached to the bottom of this page.
I give permission for my child __________________________________ to attend the first Sunday Fun Day, a Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation activity, on any first Sunday October 2018 – June 2019. I understand that the activities involved may be physical and active. I understand that Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation, it’s employees, and volunteers are not responsible for injuries to anyone who chooses to participate in First Sunday Fun Day.
Parent/guardian printed name
Parent/guardian signature