We are entering into the next phase of the project! The Building Expansion Team has met and set up some new teams to plan the clearing out the cottage and attic, move playground equipment, manage finances, and provide esthetics advice. We will be meeting with city staff right away for an initial review. We’ve met with the architect and are working out the details of an Architectural/Engineering contract. Because it will take two to four months to complete construction drawings, receive permits, and do the cottage demolition, the actual construction is expected to start in January or February of 2019.
If you would like to help out in any aspect of the project, and/or join one of our teams, please contact Theresa deBoer.
Capital Campaign Update
Please be sure to write separate checks for each of your pledge types! We are trying to keep the finances of the building project separate from the rest of the church finances. In order to do this, we have set up a separate account in a different bank for the capital campaign funds. We’d like to ask everyone’s help in keeping things straight.
Also, early payment on capital campaign pledges reduces what we will have to do on credit. We will hold off as long as possible before starting a line of credit, using the campaign pledges until they run out.
Remember to write “Capital Campaign” on the memo line of your check.