Consider becoming a Worship Associate 


Flagstaff’s Beacon Unitarian Universalist (UU) Congregation, first established in 1958 as a fellowship, gathers to be reminded of what matters most in life, and what we revere and honor. Through the challenges we all face – whether personal, local, national, or abroad – UU calls us to discover, define, and lift-up our better selves, and to reach out to build a more peaceful, just, and compassionate world.

As with many faith practices, weekly gathering reinforces our common purpose and builds personal connection. To this end, Beacon’s Worship Associates (WA) are a dedicated group of volunteers who convene monthly with the minister and music staff to plan upcoming Sunday services and participate in other special occasions throughout the congregational year.

Unitarian Universalism is open to and informed by the calendars, rituals, and celebrations of different faiths, and Sunday planning aligns with and includes thought provoking messages that both comfort and challenge, based on teachings from these many faith traditions. Services may also be music or performance based and/or revolve around current social and cultural events, issues and concerns.

Worship Associates discuss and decide on themes, topics, music, and content for meaningful, eye opening and thought-provoking weekly messages appropriate for all ages.  We are inspired not just by religious sources but by the people with whom we journey, distinctly diverse, lively and engaged Unitarian Universalists.

Anyone interested in becoming a Worship Associate and joining this ongoing committee can look forward to spirited monthly meetings to discuss upcoming themes. Worship Associates sign up to assist the minister on a Sunday or can plan and deliver a Sunday message with the help of another Worship Associate. Sometimes a WA will host a skilled and knowledgeable speaker from the community. Generally, the WA is comfortable speaking to a large group and of course can grow into this role. WA training can be arranged, and many portions of the Sunday service are already scripted. WA are also trained on the new easy-to-navigate audio/visual system, and if you prefer a behind the scenes WA role you can support Sunday services as sound/video “crew”.


If this interests YOU, please send a message to the Worship Associate point of contact at It’s a rewarding volunteer opportunity!

Updated Jan 2025