“What Does It Feel Like to Win? Values-Based Community Organizing” 

ALL ARE WELCOME! You BELONG at Beacon. Spiritually open and intentionally inclusive since 1958.

We often talk about doing justice “work.” We call it a struggle, and imagine it as something heavy, or frustrating, or burdensome. Today, let’s pause to celebrate the wins! Let’s do some storytelling about times when partnerships were easy, things fell into place, years of conversations clicked a lightbulb, and we knew deep down, we were experiencing the moment that change was happening. 

Our worship leader is Janine Gelsinger, Executive Director of Unitarian Universalist Justice Arizona (UUJAZ) and Curriculum Design Team member at Beloved Conversations, with Worship Associate Cheryl Austin and music from Austin Shaw. 

Rev. Robin has been away on Study Leave and will be back in the pulpit next Sunday, September 4.