ALL ARE WELCOME! You BELONG at Beacon. Spiritually open and intentionally inclusive since 1958.
The Beatles are back! Andy Hogg will be presenting “The Gospels According to John, Paul, George, and Ringo.” Concepts of Unitarian-Universalism will be illustrated by Beatles songs. There will be lip synching and dancing. We will celebrate peace and love. Rev. Andy Hogg, preaching and music from Andrez Alcazar and Kim Angelo.
Rev. Robin is away on Study Leave and will be back in the pulpit on Sunday, September 4. In the meantime, August at Beacon will continue with a great line-up of worship services with social hour to follow:
- Sunday, August 21: Rev. Anthony Mtuaswa Johnson, Sedona UU Fellowship
- Sunday, August 28: Janine Gelsinger, Exec. Director of UU Justice Arizona