In the words of liberal Christian minister, John Pavlovitz: “The Church of Not Being Horrible will gather every week to celebrate the inherent goodness of people. We’ll share stories of the ways we succeeded in being less than horrible to our families, coworkers, and strangers, and we’ll challenge ourselves to be even less horrible in the coming week. We’ll do this faithfully, repeatedly, and passionately, and hopefully we’ll begin to watch the world around us gradually become less angry, less bitter, less painful—less horrible.” This morning, in a follow-up to the August 8th service on Kindness, we’ll explore how Beacon UU can continue to be “the church of not being horrible” and open further to a broad and vibrant understanding of ministers, ministry, and congregational life. Rev. Robin Landerman Zucker, preaching with Worship Associate Pia Driessen-Knittle and recorded musical selections.
Come to the Post-Service Gatherings at 11 am to connect, share joys and sorrows, and reflect on the service. These will be held in person, in the backyard of the church so that we may remove our masks.