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In the Exodus story, Yahweh makes four promises to the Israelites: “I will bring you out of Egypt,” “I will deliver you from slavery,” “I will redeem you,” and “I will take you as my people.” Yet, when Moses ascends Mt Sinai, the Passover pilgrims falter and construct a golden calf, causing their leader to smash the 10 commandments against the rocks. These shards were placed in the ark of the covenant along with the second intact tablets to remind the “chosen people” of the power of a sacred vow and the consequences for breaking it. In this post-modern, maybe-I-do, loaded-with-options world we live in, what can we learn from this foundational religious story about why we make promises, why we should keep them, and why we may be tempted to break them. Rev. Robin Landerman Zucker, preaching with Worship Associate Lise Breakey and recorded musical selections. “