Come join us for a day of sharing stories of kindness. Instead of a sermon we invite everyone to bring one of their school yearbooks or a picture from school and those who wish can share a story of kindness they experienced at school or a time when they witnessed an act of kindness by someone else at school. And remember no laughing at anyone’s old hairstyles or bell bottoms, a little giggling is o.k. though.
We will also have a children’s message, activities for kids in the sanctuary, and kids and youth are invited to bring their school backpacks for a backpack blessing and to receive some special treats in them.
Following worship we will have a popsicle social. If anyone would like to contribute to the social please bring a box of wrapped popsicles or ice cream bars to put in the freezer before worship. Linda Ochi, Worship Leader.
Come to the Post-Service Gatherings at 11 am to connect, share joys and sorrows, and reflect on the service. These will be held in person, in the backyard of the church so that we may remove our masks. There is also a virtual post-service gathering on Zoom for those staying at home. You can find the link in our weekly newsletter.