There will be NO LIVE SERVICE AT BEACON ON SUNDAY JULY 31. Our youth will be in the building participating in OWL (Our Whole Lives) Weekend. Dip into the Beacon UUC YouTube library or watch the livestream of the 10:30 a.m. UU Congregation of Phoenix service. The worship Zoom link can be found on their home page:
There will be an All-ages, Easy-paced HIKE/WALK beginning at 9:00 a.m. at Buffalo Park on Sunday, July 31. Meet at the entrance. There is no designated leader. Please feel free to bring your friends and your friendly, leashed dogs.
We’ll be back in the Sanctuary on Sunday, August 7 with a great line-up of worship services with social hour to follow:
- Sunday, August 7: Rev. Patrice Curtis, UUA
- Sunday, August 14: Andy Hogg’s Beatles-themed Rock n’ Roll service
- Sunday, August 21: Rev. Anthony Mtuaswa Johnson, Sedona UU Fellowship
- Sunday, August 28: Janine Gelsinger, Exec. Director of UU Justice Arizona
Rev. Robin will be away on Study Leave and back in the pulpit on Sunday, September 4.