Children’s Religious Exploration Resources for March 29, 2020

Religious Exploration for Youth  – Beacon At Home 

“Horton Hears A UU: Life Lessons from Dr. Seuss” 

March 29, 2020 – “Green Eggs and Ham” 

Theme: We are always learning. We can decide to try new things, even if they seem scary or weird.  We can accept that others like things we do or do not like. 


First things first: Consider these questions: 

What foods do you especially like? Which ones do you avoid? Have you ever been scared to try something new? Taste a new food? Try a new activity? Make a new friend? Go somewhere you’ve never been before? 


Watch the video on YouTube:


Talk about the story and explore these themes

  • Have you ever been offered something that you are sure that you won’t like, and don’t even want to try? What happened? Were you made to try it? Did you try it on your own? Did you like it when you tried it? Talk about where food originates. How it is grown or produced. 
  • Why do you think Sam didn’t want to try the Green Eggs and Ham? (new things sometimes scare us)   Share some new things that have been (or might be scary) to try Learning to swim? Riding a bike? Going away to summer camp? Have you tried something new and found it wasn’t as scary as you thought?


The story and our UU Principles: 

  • Discuss our first principle – The inherent worth and dignity of all people; our third principle –Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations; and our fourth principle: the free and responsible search for truth and meaning.


Craft activities: 

  • Cut out pictures or download them from the internet and make a collage of different foods, looking for variety. Talk about what they’ve tried and what they haven’t. Point out things they might try. Allow respectful difference of opinion.
  • Make a collage of foods from different cultures, including the cultures reflected in your own family.  
  • List green foods and either draw them or find them in magazines or on line. 

Hands -on activity: Fizzy Green Eggs –

Other UU-related activities:

Take the at-home chalice challenge with some great UU Kids –

Story time online –  (Storybooks read by some favorite actors!)

Practice a simple meditation together –  “Breathe In, Breathe Out”

A new chalice coloring page –  (link to full size, printable image)