In order to supplement our Virtual Services provide our Beacon family with more ways to connect stay active in our UU tradition, Beacon will be providing Adult RE resources online.
Adult Faith Development Resources
- – dozens of links for UU virtual meet-ups, programs and worship services
- Mandalas – Here is a mandala meditation and a coloring book to use at home.
Download, print and color. Bring your favorites to church when we get back together and we will display them. Or post them on the FB page!
Meditation Guide Coloring Book - Stress Busters in Challenging Times – From Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Lenox, MA
- – Hundreds of personal and spiritual growth courses to attend online with a sliding scale of $10 and up.
- Daily Quarantine Questions for mental and physical health
- Who am I checking in with or connecting with today?
- What expectations of “normal” am I letting go of today?
- How am I getting outside today?
- How am I moving my body today?
- How am I expressing my creativity today?
- What type of self-care am I practicing today?
- What am I grateful for today?