Grades K-5 Signs of Our Faith: a program about being UU everyday!
Grades 6-8 Building Bridges: a world religions program to deepen youth’s understanding of the dynamic, fascinating, and varied world in which they live. It seeks to broaden their knowledge of humanity and embolden their spiritual search. (this will begin in September)
Grades 9-12 Families and Youth Group: a program that provides avenues for in-depth exploration of the diversity, commonality, and meaning of families. (will meet 2nd and 4th Sunday evenings, 6-8).
Ritual is the act of sanctifying action—even ordinary action—so that it has meaning: I can light a candle because I need light or because the candle represents the light I need. — Christina Baldwin, storyteller and author
Background info:
This first session teaches what we mean when we talk about signs, symbols, and rituals. Children understand the concept of a ritual by reflecting on both secular and religious rituals in their lives. They learn that Unitarian Universalist congregations engage in rituals for events that are universal, such as birth, death, and coming of age, and enact rituals unique to our faith, such as a UU flower communion. The children examine why rituals are important to connect us to each other and our faith. And, they explore how signs can represent abstract ideas. This will help them understand the foundational statement of the program: Our behavior every day is a sign of our faith.
The details about Sunday morning:
Babies – 4 year olds
- chalice lighting, children’s covenant, joys & concerns
- play inside in our very popular wooden kitchen.
Kindergarten- grade 5
- chalice lighting, children’s covenant, joys & concerns
- listen to the story ABBY’S BIRTHDAY
Grades 6-8
- Youth breakfast 10:00-11:00
What you can do this week at home:
If you are unable to join us, feel free to use these links and resources to create a faith formation opportunity in your own home this week.
- As a family, talk about the activities you most like to do together. Could one of these activities become a ritual? For example, if you all enjoy bowling, could you all go bowling on your birthday every year? Another idea, make Friday or Saturday night Family Fun Night and each member takes a turn each week to choose a game or activity for all to share.
- Here is a resource with symbols of many different faiths.
I hope to see your family on Sunday! Let me know if I can be supportive to you in any other way! I am here for you.
All my best with blessings,