We are changing things a bit for the summer.
• First of all because the building is under construction so we want to plan activities that are easy to do anywhere that we may need to move to. The key here is flexibility.
• Second because it is fun to do special things in the summertime. We often see visitors coming through town at this time of year. We wanted to provide something that was memorable and could be taken with the one time visitors. We also wanted to provide something that could be kept in RE for children who may return multiple times during the summer.
So, each Sunday in June and July we will meet for the entire length of service. The children will not join parents in the service in the beginning, but instead report directly to the location for RE that day. That location may change so check in with the RE folks when you arrive to find out where the action is that day. We will not have any Worship for all Ages, or, Time for All Ages during the summer either.
We will follow the touchstones monthly themes and work in activity books filled with related stories, coloring pages, puzzles, and games. All of these activities will also be available on the RE blog. If you are unable to join us on Sunday mornings, you can still access the packets and work on them at home or while you are travelling. Just let me know if you need access and I am happy to oblige!
We look forward to some summer fun and hope to see you!
The weekly blog post will look a bit different in the next two months as well. I will provide UU parenting inspiration, a weekly story suggestion that coincides with the monthly theme, car or dinner conversation starters that relate to the weekly story, and an idea of how you could extend the monthly theme together as a family.
Let me know if I can be supportive to you in any other way! I am here for you.
All my best with many blessings,