It may be said with a degree of assurance that not everything that meets the eye is as it appears. — Rod Serling
I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning. — Joseph Priestley, chemist, minister, Unitarian
As Unitarian Universalists affirm the compatibility of religion and science today, our religious forebears celebrated both faith and reason. Joseph Priestley, 18th-century chemist and Unitarian minister, believed that it was deeply religious to seek the truth, both natural and spiritual. In Unitarian Universalism, critical questioning can be a religious experience; we support one another to search for personal truths and come to our own conclusions. This session looks at Priestley, known for serendipitous scientific discoveries, because sometimes a miracle appears while we are searching for something else.
Time For All Ages during service on Sunday morning:
I will share the story The Gift of Nothing by Patrick McDonnell
The details about class on Sunday morning:
Babies – 4 year olds
- Children’s covenant, chalice lighting, and joys & concerns
- play inside
Kindergarten- Grade 8
- Children’s covenant, chalice lighting, and joys & concerns
- Share a miracles moment Activity 1
- Discuss what is serendipity Activity 2
- Listen to the story about Joseph Priestly Activity 3
- Observe and assist with three special science experiments Activity 5, Activity 6, Activity 7
- Reflect on experiments Activity 8
What you can do this week at home:
If you are unable to join us, feel free to use these links and resources to create a faith formation opportunity in your own home this week
- EXPLORE THE TOPIC TOGETHER. Talk about… Is it hard for a person to be both religious and scientific? Why, or why not?
- What are some serendipitous things that have happened to you or your family? Did they all have good outcomes? Do you believe they happened for a reason? Can that reason be scientifically explained?
- Try…being more aware of the coincidences that happen around you, and the outcome of the experience. Share with family members when something seemingly serendipitous happens to you, and try to identify the impact of the event.
- Make your own raisin lava lamp.
Let me know if I can be supportive to you in any other way! I am here for you.
All my best with blessings,