2019 10-11 OWL flyer & questions
Coming to Flagstaff in 2019, at Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation…
Our Whole Lives
Sexuality and Our Faith
10th/11th grade program
promoting healthy decision-making and
relationship building for maturing teens
Parent orientation is REQUIRED! Choose either ONE of these dates:
Sunday January 27th, 11:30am
(after the Beacon service)
– OR –
Thursday January 31st, 5:30pm
IMPORTANT NOTES: • 10th/11th graders may attend Our Whole Lives classes ONLY if parents have
attended parent orientation and given consent
• Please RSVP if child care is needed for younger children during parent orientation
Schedule of 10th/11th grade classes
Saturday February 2, 2019 2pm-8pm
Saturday February 16, 2019 2pm-8pm
Saturday March 2, 2019 2pm-at least 8pm (possible overnight event!)
(snow date – just in case! – Saturday March 9, 2019 2pm-8pm)
Requested donation for the 10th/11th grade class:
$75-$125 (Beacon members), $100-$150 (nonmembers)
Questions? Please contact:
Dee Wegwert 928-660-8815 or dwegwert@yahoo.com
or Amy Huntereece re@beaconuu.com
Questions that 10th/11th graders may ask about the Our Whole Lives program:
If I went to 7th/8th grade Our Whole Lives classes, why should I come to this?
As a 10th/11th grader, you are at a much different stage of life and may have more complex questions than you did
as a middle-schooler. Think about all the life experience you have had since then! This is a chance to have more
advanced conversations about sexuality. Besides, Our Whole Lives is a lot of fun!!
Can non-Beacon friends come to the Our Whole Lives classes?
Sure! The more the merrier! Please explain to your friends that parent orientation is always required before
young people can attend Our Whole Lives.
What will we talk about?
Relationships. How to stay healthy. Social justice issues related to sexuality. Questions from people in the
class. Lots of interesting things! Those of you who attended Our Whole Lives in the past know that our
conversations are highly confidential (as long as there is not a safety issue involved).
What should I do if I’m interested in attending Our Whole Lives classes?
Tell your folks! Your parents might like to know that you would be willing to learn more about this important part
of life! It’s also okay to contact Dee or Amy (see contact info above) if you have questions about the classes.
DEW 01/2019