Cut down the forest of desire, not the forest of trees. — The Buddha, Dhammapada 283
This work is guided by the philosophy of “deep ecology”, a term coined by Naess in 1972. In an interview posted on the Context Institute website, Michael Zimmerman explains “deep ecology”:
Deep ecology portrays itself as “deep” because it asks deeper questions about the place of human life, who we are. Deep ecology is founded on two basic principles: one is a scientific insight into the interrelatedness of all systems of life on Earth, together with the idea that anthropocentrism—human-centeredness—is a misguided way of seeing things. The second component of deep ecology is what Arnie Naess calls the need for human self-realization. Instead of identifying with our egos or our immediate families, we would learn to identify with trees and animals and plants, indeed the whole ecosphere. This would involve a pretty radical change of consciousness, but it would make our behavior more consistent with what science tells us is necessary for the well-being of life on Earth. We just wouldn’t do certain things that damage the planet, just as you wouldn’t cut off your own finger.
The details about Sunday morning:
Babies – 4 year olds
- chalice lighting and joys & concerns
- play inside and read stories about animals
- create a mask to represent their favorite animal
Kindergarten- Grade 8
- chalice lighting and joys & concerns
- establish the council of all beings: Activity 1
- participate in a greeting activity: Activity 2
- discover nature ally and create a mask to represent the spirit of the ally: Activity 3
What you can do this week at home:
If you are unable to join us, feel free to use these links and resources to create a faith formation opportunity in your own home this week
- Try to spend time outside each day, paying special attention to the trees near where you live.
- Use a nature journal to record your observations and feelings about trees as you deepen your connection with them, beyond the Circle of Trees workshops.
- Think about ways that you can engage with people and trees with respect.
- Here are some books about trees that you may want to look into.
- Here are some tree related project ideas.
Let me know if I can be supportive to you in any other way! I am here for you.
All my best with blessings,