But for the natives in these parts, God hath so pursued them, as for 300 miles space the greatest part of them are swept away by smallpox which still continues among them. So as God hath thereby cleared our title to this place, those who remain in these parts, being in all not 50, have put themselves under our protection. — Governor John Winthrop of Massachusetts, 1634
Story: The Battle of Jericho. This story tells of how the Israelites conquered the walled city of Jericho, a story celebrated in song and story to this day. In this familiar story, they marched around the city walls, the priests sounding the ram’s horns, and walls came tumbling down when the Hebrew people shouted in unison.
Background info: Jericho Background Information is extremely helpful!! To get your kids thinking about this topic, you may want to ask:
- What was the purpose of this narrative in the minds of those who first recorded it?
- What would it mean if this story were true?
- What would it mean if this story were false?
- What do we learn about God—or about people’s perceptions of God—from this story? What insight and wisdom does it offer us today?
- What are examples in modern times of God depicted as a mighty battle God, bringing victory to those he favors and justifying war?
The details about Sunday morning:
Babies – 4 year olds
- chalice lighting and joys & concerns
- play inside in our very popular wooden kitchen.
- play outside.
- Volunteers pretty please! re@beaconuu.com
Kindergarten- grade 3
- ACTIVITY 3 : Right or Wrong? True or False?
Grades 4-8
- ACTIVITY 6: Newscasts from Jericho
What you can do this week at home:
If you are unable to join us, feel free to use these links and resources to create a faith formation opportunity in your own home this week.
- Here is a coloring page for the Battle of Jericho
- Here is an idea how your family can raise awareness of the Statement of Conscience.
- Go on a Peace pole tour of Flagstaff on your own, or with us on Sunday after service. Meet in front of Beacon at 11:30 AM! Here is some into about The Peace Pole Project
I hope to see your family on Sunday! Let me know if I can be supportive to you in any other way! I am here for you.
All my best with blessings,